What are the fees related to using Hawkfi? / What is a yield performance fee?
Users only pay for an 8% yield performance fee when using Hawkfi. No fees on any deposited capital.
The Yield Performance Fee is a fee on any fees a user’s position generates. It is collected every time fees are claimed by the user, compounded into the position, claimed during rebalancing, or when the position is closed by the user.
Hawkfi collects 8% from all fees generated on Hawkfi Positions.
Sample Computation: User’s Position Earns $100 USD in Fees. Hawkfi collects 8% of the generated fees, worth $8 ($100 Fees Generated * 8% = $8)
Why are STAs needed?
Storage Token Accounts (STAs) are what we call Token Specific Program Derived Accounts that are necessary to implement the automations we perform on your behalf as you use Hawkfi.
STAs are needed so we ensure that tokens from positions you’ve closed via Take Profits or Stop Losses, earned from existing positions but would not want to be compounded, are kept untouched by other automations that are running on the other positions you have active on Hawkfi.
Why am I not able to deposit/open a position?
You may be encountering a number of issues, or the network may be congested if you are unable to open a position on Hawkfi.
Try the following steps if you are unable to open a position on Hawkfi:
Check if you have enough SOL to open a position
Increase the priority fee multiplier
Increase the priority fee cap
Check if you have enough SOL to pay for the increased priority fees
Why am I not able to Withdraw or Claim?
You may be encountering a number of issues, or the network may be congested if you are unable to open a position on Hawkfi.
Try the following steps if you are unable to open a position on Hawkfi:
Check if you are trying to claim a scam token
A scam token is a token that shares the same ticker, but has a different mint than recently traded tokens that aims to trick you to buy more tokens but cannot be sold
Increase the priority fee multiplier
Increase the priority fee cap
Check if you have enough SOL to pay for the increased priority fees
Why am I not able to claim some tokens I see on the HawkFi wallet?
We’re seeing a number of cases where scammers airdrop tokens to Hawkfi Wallets. You will not be able to claim these tokens as the required token accounts to claim these tokens have not been opened. Check if you are trying to claim a scam token A scam token is a token that shares the same ticker, but has a different mint than recently traded tokens that aims to trick you to buy more tokens but cannot be sold
Why are my positions not being automated? or Why are there delays in my position’s automations?
Your slippage might be too tight
The network may be congested
Why did my position get rebalanced?
Rebalances are performed based on a target price or condition which you have set. The target price is based on the price of the pool where your liquidity is in, and not on the overall market price. Once the target price is reached, we perform a rebalance on your position.
If you believe the target price or trigger has not been reached but a rebalance has been executed, verify the case by doing:
Navigate to the Analytics tab of your Position
Click the Birdeye link in the Pool page where your position is located
Compare the Price in which your position was rebalanced
Why did my Take Profit or Stop Loss not fire?
Limit Orders (Take Profits and Stop Losses) are performed based on a target price or condition which you have set. The target price is based on the price of the pool where your liquidity is in, and not on the overall market price. Once the target price is reached, we perform a Limit Order and close your position. If you believe the target price or trigger has not been reached but a Limit Order was not executed, verify the case by doing: Navigate to the Analytics tab of your Position Click the Birdeye link in the Pool page where your position is located Compare the timestamp in which your position should have been closed.
It says I earned X amount, but my position is only worth Y. Where did my fees go?
Fees earned by user’s positions may have been claimed by the user, compounded by Hawkfi, or claimed during a rebalance. The fees are added into the position during compounds or rebalances (if compounds are enabled). If any of the tokens trend downwards, rebalanced, trend upwards, and rebalanced again, the fees earned would have been used to offset any losses incurred during the price swings of the paired tokens.
How can a pool get listed on HawkFi?
Hawkfi automatically lists liquidity pools created on Meteora. Just create your desired pool on Meteora, and Hawkfi picks it up! What are HFI Points? How can I earn them? Are they live?
How can we export the HFI wallet to claim airdrops that the wallet may be entitled to?
You will not be able to export the HFI wallet since it is a program derived address (PDA) which can only be used within the Hawkfi smart contract.
Why am I earning less fees than the stated APR when I entered?
The APRs displayed are based on the volume from the past 24 hours. They are not meant to be used as predictors of future gains or fee earnings from the pool. The displayed APRs are only meant to show the returns of the pool from the past 24H.
Last updated